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Professional meteorology

Solutions for the monitoring of meteorological phenomena and their impact.

  • Wind speed and direction
  • Visibility and present weather
  • Snow height
  • Solar radiation
  • Precipitation
  • Pressure
  • Temperature, humidity and soil conductivity
  • Air temperature and humidity
  • Evaporation
  • Temperature and humidity
Infografía de uso de las instrumentaciones
1 Wind speed and direction
2 Visibility and present weather
3 Snow height
4 Solar radiation
5 Precipitation
6 Pressure
7 Temperature, humidity and soil conductivity
3 Snow height
8 Air temperature and humidity
5 Precipitation
9 Evaporation
10 Temperature and humidity

Applications for Professional meteorology

DILUS offers solutions for all applications in the field of professional meteorology, with products of the highest quality and state-of-the-art application-specific technology.

Meteorology and the study of meteorological phenomena have a great impact on society and nature. Reliable data is critical to anticipating and minimizing the negative consequences extreme events can have on people, infrastructure and investments.

Imagen de: Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) and Instruments
Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) and Instruments

Imagen de: Forest fires
Forest fires

Imagen de: Tsunami Warning
Tsunami Warning

Imagen de: Maritime

Imagen de: Solar resources
Solar resources

Imagen de: Lightning Detection
Lightning Detection

Imagen de: Agrometeorology and soils
Agrometeorology and soils

Imagen de: Air quality
Air quality

Imagen de: Radioactivity

Imagen de: Evapotranspiration and commercial irrigation measures
Evapotranspiration and commercial irrigation measures

Imagen de: Alpina

Imagen de: RWIS Roads
RWIS Roads

Imagen de: Aeronautics

Imagen de: Oil and gas
Oil and gas

Imagen de: Industrial meteorological instrumentation
Industrial meteorological instrumentation

Imagen de: Smart City Meteorological Instrumentation
Smart City Meteorological Instrumentation



Unit of measurement Rank Technologies
Precipitación mm mm/min 0…∞ Balancín Radar Pesada Híbrido Láser
Visibilidad y tiempo presente Km, m Códigos METAR OMM 0…40.000 m Tabla METAR OMM Láser Radar Forward scatter
Presión HPa, bar 300…2000 hPa Capacitancia Capsulas aneroides
Temperatura y humedad del aire ºC / ºF % humedad -50…+200 ºC 0…100% Pt100 Pt1000 Capacitivo
Temperatura y humedad del suelo ºC / ºF  % humedad Conductividad del suelo -40…+70 0…100% 0…10 mS/cm Pt100 FDR, TDR Resistividad
Velocidad y dirección del viento m/s Grados 0…85 m/S 0…360º Mecánicos Ultrasónicos Lidar
Radiación solar W/m2 0..4000 W/m2 Termopilas Silicio
Evaporación mm 0.200 mm Presión Radar Ultrasónico Boya y contrapeso
Descargas eléctricas Nº de descargas KM 0…83 km Sensor de descargas en baja frecuencia
Radiosondeos ºC %humedad HPa, bar m/s +60…-100 ºC 0…100% 1.100…3 hPa Termistor Capacitivo GPS Concentraciones de gases

Benefits of Professional meteorology

Professional instrumentation offers benefits for meteorological professionals, which are evidenced, among others, in:

Increase ^

  • Data resolution and reliability
  • The capacity to respond to adverse events
  • Security of citizens, infrastructure and investments
  • Confidence in forecasts

Reduce v

  • Errors and missing data
  • Maintenance and travel costs
  • Damage caused by extreme weather
  • Insurance costs and timing

A complete system that adapts to your research needs

Design your system to measure, totally according to your needs. Our design and systems integration service will help you define the solution that best suits your needs, regardless of its size or complexity. Proceed here to develop your system, or contact us if you need advice for the definition, development and implementation of your system.

Design your system

Contact us

If you are thinking of carrying out a project, would like to purchase any instrumentation type or would like more information about DILUS services, please leave your contact information. The team will contact you as soon as possible.Professional meteorology, leave your details. The team will contact you as soon as possible.

    Purpose: Collection of personal data to be able to respond to your request
    Legal Basis: Consent of the data subject
    Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties, except when legally required and except to entities collaborating with DILUS INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y SISTEMAS S.A. for the provision of services and the correct management of the entity. In such cases, data will only be used for purposes and uses strictly necessary for the development of their activity and for which their services were required, and they may not use the data for any other purpose
    Rights: Access, rectify, or delete data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information in the privacy policy