Water Quality Monitor for Maximum Deployment Times
El WQM X es idóneo para el monitoring sin vigilancia y utiliza el control de caudal activo, el bloqueo de caudal pasivo, el bloqueo de luz, la inyección activa de biocidas e inhibidores pasivos para combatir de forma eficaz y segura la suciedad e incrustaciones en el interior y el exterior. Con la minimización de las incrustaciones, la excelente estabilidad de los sensores WQM se traduce directamente en una calidad excelente de los datos a largo plazo.
- Instalación fija
- Conductividad, nivel/profundida, clorofila, temperatura, oxígeno disuelto, turbidez
- Diseñado específicamente para intervenciones de larga duración en aguas biológicamente ricas
- RS-232
Measured Parameters | |
Range | 0 … 9 S/m |
Accuracy | 0.003 mS/cm |
Resolution | 0.00005 S/m |
Range | 0 … 100 or 0 … 200 m |
Accuracy | 0.1% Full Scale |
Resolution | 0.002% Full Scale |
Range | 0 … 50 µg/I |
Accuracy | 0.2% FS µg/I |
Precision | 0.04% FS µg/I
0.02% FS/deg C |
Wavelength | EX/EM 470/695 nm |
Range | -5 … 35°C |
Accuracy | 0.002 °C |
Resolution | 0.001 °C |
Range | 120% of saturation (200% upon request) |
Accuracy | 2% of saturation |
Resolution | 0.035% of saturation (0.003 ml/l at 0 C, 35 PSU) |
Range | 0 … 25 NTU |
Accuracy | 0.1% FS NTU |
Precision | 0.04% FS NTU |
Wavelength | 700 nm |
Connector | MCBH-6-MP, MCBH-4-FS |
Output | RS-232 |
Input | 9 … 16 VDC |
Sample rate | 1 Hz |
Current draw | <100 mA Sampling 350 mA Peak < 50 µA Sleep |
Depth | 200 m |
Pressure housing | Acetal copolymer, ABS, PVC, titanium, copper |
Dimensions | 65.4 cm long x 18.5 cm max OD |
Weight in air | 5.4 kg |
Weight in water | 1.8 kg |
a. Oxygen range is relative to surface saturation.b. +/- 0.2 mg/l or 2% of reading, whichever is greater. c. Available measurement ranges: 030 ?g Chl/l, 010 NTU 050 ?g Chl/l, 025 NTU 050 ?g Chl/l, 0100 NTU 075 ?g Chl/l, 0200 NT |

Contact us
If you are thinking of carrying out a project, would like to purchase any instrumentation type or would like more information about DILUS services, please leave your contact information. The team will contact you as soon as possible.Sea-Bird Scientific WQM, leave your details. The team will contact you as soon as possible.