Instrumentación Meteorológica

VPF-730 Visibility & Present Weather Sensor

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Imagen de: VPF-730 Visibility & Present Weather Sensor

The VPF-730 Visibility sensor provides accurate visibility and present weather measurement in a compact and robust package, making it well suited to both general and offshore aviation applications.

Every aspect of the sensor’s design is focussed on measurement accuracy, reliability and durability. The open design of the sensor head allows the free passage of air for greater measurement accuracy whilst the hard coat anodised dip brazed construction gives superb corrosion resistance, which is especially important in offshore applications.

The unique backscatter receiver gives the VPF-730 unparalleled abilities in distinguishing frozen from liquid precipitation, a key factor when determining the safety of aircraft operations. Present weather conditions are reported using WMO table 4680 codes to simplify system integration and compliance. An optional interface to the ALS-2 Ambient Light Sensor makes the VPF-730 suited for use in aviation applications where Runway Visual Range (RVR) information is required in addition to METAR data.

The VPF-730 can be AC mains or low voltage DC powered and hood heaters are available for use in areas prone to snow.

Measurement Visibility, MOR, EXCO and TEXCO
Present weather. 15 WMO Table 4680 Codes
Precipitation intensity and accumulated amount
Output RS232, Optional RS422/RS485
Measurement Principle Forward scatter 45°
Measurement Error 2% at 2,000m
Sensor Power 12 V DC, 24V DC, 120 V AC or 240 V AC (6W Approx)
Hood Heating Power 45W
Window heating and contamination monitoring Fitted
Operating Temperature -50°C to 60°C
Operating Humidity 0 – 100% RH
Protection rating IP66
Weight (Sensor Head) 5.6kg DC: 6.8kg AC
Imagen de VPF-730 Visibility & Present Weather Sensor


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