Instrumentación  Aeronautica

VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating

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Imagen de: VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating

The accurate wind sensor uses the run-time differential method for determining the wind speed and wind direction. It provides output for instantaneous values, vector and scalar means, the maximum gust of wind and wind direction, the maximum/minimum values and the virtual temperature. Data output through serial or analogue interfaces provides compatibility of the Lufft Ventus for commercially available hydrometeorological dataloggers and PLC systems. An automatic heater ensures reliable operation even in very harsh environmental conditions.

Dimensions Ø approx. 150 mm, height approx. 170 mm
Weight Approx. 1.62 kg
Permissible ambient temperature -40 … 60 °C
with heating 24 VDC / 240 VA (140 VA + 100 VA)
Bus operation Up to 32 devices
Operating voltage electronics 12 – 24 VDC / 1.2 VA, without heating
Electrical connection 8 pole plug
Housing material Aluminium, seawater – proof
Protection type IP68
Pole diameter 50 mm/2″
Factory certificate Yes
Data output digital
Interface RS485 semi-/full duplex, isolated
Baud rate 1200 – 57600
Measurement rate instantaneous value 1 – 10 s
Measurement Avg (arithmetic, vector), Min, Max 1…10 min
Status Heating, sensor failure
Data output analog
Data output analog Only semi – duplex mode
Output signal 0 … 20 mA, 4 … 20 mA, 0 … 10 V, 2 … 10 V,
2 … 2,000 frequency (instantaneous, avg, min, max)
Load Max. 500 Ohm
Resolution 16 bit
Jarring test According to IEC 60945
Corrosion test According to MIL-STD-810 Method 509.3
Ice-free test According to MIL-STD-810F Method 521.2
HALT Highly Accelerated Life Test
Maximum operating height 3500 m
Wind direction
Principle Ultrasonic
Measuring range 0 … 359.9 °
Unit °
Accuracy ±2° RMSE >1.0 m/s
Resolution 0.1 °
Wind speed
Principle Ultrasonic
Measuring range 0 … 90 m/s
Unit m/s
Accuracy ±0.2 m/s or ±2 % RMS of reading (whichever is greater) for 0…65 m/s – otherwise ±5 %
Resolution 0.1 m/s
Virtual temperature
Principle Ultrasonic
Measuring range -50 … 70 °C
Unit °C
Accuracy ±2.0 °C (without heater and without sun exposure or wind > 4 m/s)
Resolution 0.1 °C
Air pressure
Principle MEMS capacitive
Measuring range 300 … 1200 hPa
Unit hPa
Accuracy ±1.5 hPa
Resolution 0.1 hPa
Imagen de VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating
Imagen de VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating
Imagen de VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating
Imagen de VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating
Imagen de VENTUS-X-UMB Ultrasonic Wind Sensor with extended Heating


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