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StaRWIS-UMB – Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor

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Imagen de: StaRWIS-UMB – Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor

For stationary operations we further developed the innovation award-winning mobile road weather Sensor MARWIS – this is StaRWIS!

StaRWIS is the first non-invasive road weather sensor detecting road and runway surface conditions, surface temperatures, relative humidity, dew point temperatures, ice percentages as well as friction non-invasively and based on innovative LED Technology with 4 lenses.

  • Road condition (dry, moist, wet, ice, snow, slush, chemically wet), road surface temperature, water film height, dew point temperature, relative humidity, ice percentage, friction (calculated)
  • Optical LED transmitters, photo receivers, pyrometer, infrared
  • non-invasive, plug and play, 100 measurement per second, multifunctional, wireless data transfer, no moving parts
  • Bluetooth, RS485, CAN-Bus, UMB – protocol
  • 8711.U55
Dimensions Height approx. 110 mm, width approx. 200mm, depth approx. 100mm
Weight 1.7kg
Admissible storage temperature -40…70°C
Operating rel. humidity <95% relative humidity non-condensing
Operating voltage 10VDC…28VDC on the sensor
Power consumption Approx. 3VA without heating, 50VA with heating
Operating temperature -40…60°C
Operating rel. humidity 0…100% RH
Protection type IP68
Surface conditions Dry, damp, wet, snow-/ice-covered, chemically wet, critically wet
Admissible height above absolute altitude 3000m
Interface RS485, 2 wire, half duplex, bluetooth, CAN
Road surface temperature
Principle Optical
Measuring range -40 … 70 °C
Unit °C
Accuracy ± 0.8°C@0°C
Resolution 0.1 °C
Relative humidity above road surface
Measuring range 0 … 100 %
Unit %
Resolution 0.1 %
Principle passive, calculated out of air temperature and humidity above road surface
Dew point temperature
Measuring range -50 … 60 °C
Unit °C
Resolution 0.1 °C
Principle passive, calculated out of air temperature and humidity
Waterfilm height
Principle Optical
Measuring range 0 … 6000 µm
Unit µm
Resolution 1 µm
Ice Percentage
Measuring range 0 … 100 %
Unit %
Resolution 1%
Measuring range 0 … 1
Resolution 0.01
Imagen de StaRWIS-UMB – Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de StaRWIS-UMB – Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de StaRWIS-UMB – Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de StaRWIS-UMB – Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de StaRWIS-UMB – Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de StaRWIS-UMB – Stationary Road Weather Information Sensor


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    Finalidad: Recogida de datos personales para poder atender su solicitud
    Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado
    Destinatarios: No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal y salvo las entidades que colaboran con DILUS INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y SISTEMAS S.A. para la prestación de servicios y la correcta gestión de la entidad, en cuyo caso, solo con las finalidades y los usos exclusivamente necesarios para el desarrollo de su actividad y para el que fueron requeridos sus servicios, no pudiendo usar los mismos para un fin distinto
    Derechos: Acceder, rectificar o suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional en la política de privacidad