Heated Air Purger Overview:
The Scentroid SP20 Heated Air Purger is a revolutionary device designed to provide an effective and reliable cleaning solution for olfactometers, sample bags, PTFE lines, and other equipment that may be contaminated with odours. The SP20 provides hot air at up to 200 degrees Celsius (400 degrees Fahrenheit) to effectively clean stainless steel lines or any of our olfactometers. It can be connected directly to the sample line or to the compressed airline.
The hot air from the unit can also be used to regenerate carbon filters and silica gels in the odour/humidity filter built into the SM100, SC300, or the SS600. The SP20 provides a unique function of cycling between injecting hot air and vacuuming to speed up purging of tedlar and other reusable bags.
Benefits of Cyclic Purging with the Heated Air Purger:
Cyclic Purging significantly reduces the required purging time as the vacuum of the sample bags forcibly pulls odour causing molecules from the surface of the bag. Typical sample bag purging time of 1 hour using conventional hot air can be reduced to approximately 7 minutes using cyclic purging.
Heated Air Purger Basics of Operation:
Mode 1: Continuous Hot Air Purging: Used to clean sample lines, PTFE tubes, and to regenerate carbon and silica gel filters
- Air temperature is set on the heated air purger by the operator
- The unit provides continuous hot air at the specified temperature as monitored by a built-in thermo-couple
Mode 2: Cyclic Purging (Sample Bag Purging): Used to quickly clean reusable sample bags
- The operator sets temperature and pressure as well as the cycle time in seconds (1 – 30s)
- The unit injects hot air for the duration of the cycle, filling the sample bag
- At the end of the injection cycle, the unit switches to vacuum and completely draws the air from the same sample bag
- The cycle is continuously repeated creating a lung-like effect
Temperature: Adjustable purge temperature to 200 °C
Vacuum Power: High Vacuum, up to 0.95 atmospheric pressure
Cycle Time Setting: 1L to 50L sample bags
Temperature Monitoring: Continuous
Ports: Built-in carbon filter on inlet and exhaust ports
Noise: Quiet operation
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