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SM100i Intelligent Olfactometer Overview:

Our SM100i Intelligent Olfactometer draws a sample of ambient air via Venturi pump and dilutes it using fresh, odorless / odourless air from a compressed air tank. The SM100i takes out all the guesswork from personal olfactometry because it automatically screens panelists and conducts a YES/NO test mode to determine accurate odour concentration and hedonic tones. Each SM100i requires no sample bags, no filters to change, no pumps or other moving parts to maintain. An instrument you can rely on!

Full Accordance With Recognized Odour / Odor Standards

Scentroid’s SM100i conducts a full odour analysis in accordance with international EN13725 standard. The SM100i can analyze from a sample bag or be deployed in the field for direct olfactometry and ambient odour measurements. In addition to odour concentration (in OU) the SM100i (with the use of the wearable OdoTracker) can also automatically record Ammonia (NH3) and Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) in real-time.

Use the SM100i Intelligent Olfactometer to:

  • Perform daily odor / odour assessments and identify their sources
  • Determine odor / odour mitigation effectiveness
  • Evaluate the odor / odour emission impact on nearby residents
  • Monitor emission compliance and conduct N-Butanol screening

Conduct SM100i Intelligent Olfactometer Odor / Odour Measurements From:

  • Ambient air without any additional sampling equipment
  • Directly from smoke stacks or filter inlets
  • Flux chambers
  • Air samples in PTFE/Tedlar Bags

Manual Adjustment Available:

Prefer manually adjusting dilution steps? Click here!

Dimensions and Weight:

16″ x 6″ x 6″ x 8 lbs


Dilution Range (Ou/m3): 2 – 30,000 (2^15)
Dilution Principle: Stainless steel educator
Number of Dilution Steps: 15 (adjustable range)

Air Flow:

Air Supply Capacity: 15 minutes
Pressure Flow Rate: 20 litres per minute
Presentation Face Velocity: 0.3
Tank Pressure: 4500 PSI


Face Mask: Half face PTFE
Port: PTFE Sniffing Port
Wetted Material: Stainless steel and PTFE
Battery: Rechargeable Lithium-ion with 36h capacity per charge
Power Requirements: None

Communication: Bluetooth



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    Finalidad: Recogida de datos personales para poder atender su solicitud
    Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado
    Destinatarios: No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal y salvo las entidades que colaboran con DILUS INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y SISTEMAS S.A. para la prestación de servicios y la correcta gestión de la entidad, en cuyo caso, solo con las finalidades y los usos exclusivamente necesarios para el desarrollo de su actividad y para el que fueron requeridos sus servicios, no pudiendo usar los mismos para un fin distinto
    Derechos: Acceder, rectificar o suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional en la política de privacidad