Flux Chamber Sampler Overview:
The Scentroid Flux chamber sampler (AKA Emission Isolation Flux Hood) is used to determine levels of emissions from solid or liquid surfaces. The SF450 has a 100% solid stainless steel construction to ensure zero cross contamination. Flotation is achieved using 4 stainless steel floats eliminating the need for rubber tubes or foam making the unit easy to clean and maintain.
Flux Chamber Sampler Applications:
- Emission measurements from liquid surfaces such as settling tanks and off-spec ponds
- Emission measurements from solid surfaces such as compost piles and sludge
- Emission measurement from liquid active sources such as aerated lagoons
- Ideal for sampling of corrosive sources e.g. with high benzene or H2S content
- Ideal for field operations that require quick decontamination
Flux Chamber Sampler Basics of Operation
- Connect the flux chamber sampler sweep airline to either nitrogen or zero air cylinder
- Move the flux chamber sampler to sampling location
- Allow time for the 2 air exchanges inside the chamber
- Extract sample using a vacuum chamber
- For aerated liquid sources, an air sweep may not be required
Construction: 450 mm (17″) diameter with enclosed surface area of 0.1555 sq meters (240″ squared)
Material: All stainless steel construction including floaters for optimal decontamination
Fittings: Standard fittings designed for 1/4″ or 12mm OD PTFE tubing for sweep and sample air (custom fitting sizes available)
Additional Fittings: More fittings available for pressure/temperature sensors (specified at time of ordering)
Port: Dedicated pressure relief port
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