Instrumentación Hidrológica

Sea-Bird Scientific SUNA Optical Nitrate Sensor

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Imagen de: Sea-Bird Scientific SUNA Optical Nitrate Sensor

High accuracy in-situ nitrate measurement

Con una óptica mejorada y muestreo inteligente adaptativo incorporado, el SUNA V2 mide la concentración de nitratos con una precisión y una estabilidad líderes en el sector y en las más diversas condiciones ambientales. La amplia gama de prestaciones opcionales disponibles para el SUNA V2 hace de este sensor una solución  eficaz y rentable para la medición habitual de la concentración de nitratos.
  • Instalación fija
  • Nitrato
  • Alta precisión, sin productos químicos, medición de nitratos in situ
  • SDI-12, RS-232
Mechanical SUNA with Wiper
Material Titanium
Rated Depth 100 m
Weight (in air) 4.8 kg
Pathlength 10 mm or 5 mm
Length 588 mm/ 583 mm
Diameter 63 mm
Temp Range, Operation -2 – 35 °C
Temp Range, Storage -20 – 50 °C
Input 8 – 18 VDC
Input, Sensor with Wiper 8 – 15 VDC
Current Draw, Operation ~ 625 mA at 12V
Current Draw, Standby ~ 20 mA at 12V
Light Source UV Deuterium Lamp (900 hr lifetime)
Communication Interface RS232; Analog 4 – 20 mA; (USB, SDI-12 optional)
Data Storage 2GB (optional)
Spectral Range 190-370 nm
Pathlength 10 mm (5 mm optional)
Nitrate Measurement Accuracy
Concentration  Range 10 mm pathlength
Calibration Sensor Specific*
up to 14 mg N/L 0.028 mg N/L or 10%
up to 28 mg N/L 0.028 mg N/L or 15%
up to 42 mg N/L 0.028 mg N/L or 20%
up to 56 mg N/L out of range
Calibration Class Based**
up to 14 mg N/L 0.035 mg N/L or 20%
up to 28 mg N/L 0.035 mg N/L or 25%
up to 42 mg N/L 0.035 mg N/L or 30%
up to 56 mg N/L out of range
Concentration  Range 5 mm pathlenght
Calibration Sensor Specific*
up to 14 mg N/L 0.056 mg N/L or 10%
up to 28 mg N/L 0.056 mg N/L or 15%
up to 42 mg N/L 0.056 mg N/L or 15%
up to 56 mg N/L 0.056 mg N/L or 15%
Calibration Class Based**
up to 14 mg N/L 0.063 mg N/L or 20%
up to 28 mg N/L 0.063 mg N/L or 25%
up to 42 mg N/L 0.063 mg N/L or 25%
up to 56 mg N/L 0.063 mg N/L or 25%
* A sensor specific calibration uses extinction coefficients from the sensor itself
** A class based calibration uses extinction coefficients that are the averager of many sensors
Nitrate Measurement Precision
Processing Configuration Seawater or Freshwater with T-S Correction
Short-term precision (3 sigma) 0.004 mg N/L
Change («drift») per hr of lamp time <0.004 mg N/L
Processing Configuration Seawater (0-40PSU)
Short-term precision (3 sigma) 0.034 mg N/L
Change («drift») per hr of lamp time <0.014 mg N/L
Limit of Detection and Limit of Quantification
Processing Configuration Seawater or Freshwater with T-S Correction
Limit of Detection 0.004 mg N/L
Limit of Quantification 0.014 mg N/L
Processing Configuration Seawater (0-40 PSU)
Limit of Detection 0.034 mg N/L
Limit of Quantification 0.112 mg N/L
Imagen de Sea-Bird Scientific SUNA Optical Nitrate Sensor
Imagen de Sea-Bird Scientific SUNA Optical Nitrate Sensor
Imagen de Sea-Bird Scientific SUNA Optical Nitrate Sensor
Imagen de Sea-Bird Scientific SUNA Optical Nitrate Sensor


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