The Model 6060 UV TRS Analyzer provides accurate measurement of TRS (Total Reduced Sulfur) or TS (Total Sulfur) gas in air or low source levels from industrial processes. The Model 6060 TRS analyzer uses the same optical bench as the Model 6020 UV Sulfur Dioxide analyzer. An efficient external TRS oxidizer/converter thermally converts all sulfur gases to SO2. SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide) gas that may be present in the sample gas passes through the TRS converter unaffected. TRS and SO2 combined in the sample gas is called TS. If only TRS gas is the gas of interest, an SOX (SO2 Scrubber) is attached to the rear of the Model 6060 and plumbed in series to remove any SO2 gas that may be present. If there are other sulfur gases present in the sample gas, they will pass through the SOX scrubber and TRS converter unaffected and not measured.
The 6060 Analyzer offers a bright color display, data logging capability and advanced communications via Ethernet, USB and RS-232/485
EPA Approved Ranges: 0-25 ppb to 0-2 ppm user set
Noise: < 0.0005 PPM
Lower Detectable Limit: < 1 ppb
Zero Drift: < ±.003 PPM per 24 hours
Span Drift: < ±1% URL per 24 hours
Cycle Time: 1 sample/second
Precision Linearity: < 1% of URL
Sample Flow Rate: 0.4 to 0.8 LPM
Operating Temperature: 5° to 40° C
Operating Humidity: 0 to 90%, non-condensing
Power Requirements: 200 Watts, TRS Converter/Oxidizer 500 Watts
Voltage Output Ranges: 0.1V, 1V, 2V, 5V, 10V, user selectable
Input/Output Ports: 0.1V,1V,5V,10V or other, user selectable with over & under range
Physical Dimensions (H x W x D) SO2 Analyzer: 5.25 in. x 17 in. x 22.5 in. (133 x 432 x 571.5 mm)
Physical Dimensions (H x W x D) TRS Converter: 5.25 in. x 17 in. x 17 in. (133 x 432 x 432 mm)
Weight: 25 lbs. (10.3 kg)
Certification – SO2 Bench: US EPA: RFSA-0616-237

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