Instrumentación  Aeronautica

MARWIS – Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor

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MARWIS is the first road and runway weather sensor detecting road conditions, temperatures, friction and other parameters mobile and in real time from driving vehicles…

The mobile road weather sensor MARWIS turns vehicles into driving weather stations by detecting several critical road and runway weather parameters. It can be installed on vehicles with a distance of 1 – 2m above the surface and delivers information about temperatures, waterfilm heights, dew points, road conditions (dry, moist, wet, snow, ice), ice percentages, rel. humidity and friction with a frequency of up to 100 times per second and a max. output rate of 10 Hz. It serves as an important decision support with regard to preventive gritting. Due to the open interface protocols, MARWIS can be easily integrated into existing winter maintenance monitoring networks. Similarly, the mobile road sensor can communicate directly with the control system on gritting vehicles. The measurement data output supports the protocol UMB binary.

  • Road condition (dry, moist, wet, ice, snow, slush, chemically wet), road surface temperature, ambient temperature, water film height up to 6mm, dew point temperature, relative humidity, ice percentage, friction (calculated)
  • Optical LED transmitters, photo receivers, pyrometer, infrared
  • Mobile, plug and play, 100 measurements per second with max. output rate of 10Hz, multifunctional, real time thermal mapping, wireless data transfer
  • Bluetooth, RS485, CAN-Bus
  • 8900.U03, 8900.U04
Dimensions Height approx. 110 mm, width approx. 200 mm, depth approx. 100 mm
Weight 1.7 kg
Admissible storage temperature -40…70 °C
Operating rel. humidity <95 % relative humidity non-condensing
Operating voltage 10…28 VDC on the sensor
Power consumption Approx. 3VA without heating, 50VA with heating
Operating temperature -40…60 °C
Operating rel. humidity 0…100 % RH
Protection type IP68
Surface conditions Dry, damp, wet, snow-/ice-covered, chemically wet, slush
Admissible height above absolute altitude 3000 m
Interface RS485, 2 wire, half duplex, bluetooth, CAN
Road surface temperature
Principle Optical
Measuring range -40…70 °C
Unit °C
Accuracy ± 0.8 °C @ 0 °C
Resolution 0.1 °C
Ambient temperature
Measuring range -50…70 °C (°F switchable)
Unit °C (°F switchable)
Resolution 0.1 °C
Relative air humidity
Measuring range 0…100 %
Unit %
Resolution 1 %
Principle passive, calculated out of air temperature and humidity
Relative humidity above road surface
Measuring range 0 … 100 %
Unit %
Resolution 0.1 %
Principle passive, calculated out of air temperature and humidity above road surface
Dew point temperature
Measuring range -50 … 60 °C
Unit °C
Resolution 0.1 °C
Principle passive, calculated out of air temperature and humidity
Accuracy 1.5 °C @ temperature of 0…35 °C
Waterfilm film height
Principle Optical
Measuring range 0 … 6000 µm
Max. WFH is only achieved with concrete underground. For asphalt, the maximum measurable water film height is smaller and depends on the distance to the ground.
Unit µm
Resolution 1 µm
Accuracy 10%
Ice Percentage
Measuring range 0 … 100 %
Unit %
Resolution 1%
Measuring range 0…1
Resolution 0.01
Imagen de MARWIS – Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de MARWIS – Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de MARWIS – Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de MARWIS – Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de MARWIS – Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor
Imagen de MARWIS – Mobile Advanced Road Weather Information Sensor


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    Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado
    Destinatarios: No se cederán datos a terceros, salvo obligación legal y salvo las entidades que colaboran con DILUS INSTRUMENTACIÓN Y SISTEMAS S.A. para la prestación de servicios y la correcta gestión de la entidad, en cuyo caso, solo con las finalidades y los usos exclusivamente necesarios para el desarrollo de su actividad y para el que fueron requeridos sus servicios, no pudiendo usar los mismos para un fin distinto
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