
LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System

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The only photosynthesis system capable of measuring combined gas exchange and fluorescence from leaves and aquatic samples.

Fast response creates new research possibilities

Fast control loops

When you change the leaf chamber environment—light, temperature, CO2or H2O—the instrument adjusts to the new setpoint right away thanks to Rapid Sensing™ Technology. The fast adjustment saves time and enables you to measure a plant’s response to rapidly changing conditions.

H2O control

Providing full control over water vapor, the LI-6800 can maintain humidity at any level below condensing conditions in the leaf chamber and gas analyzers.

Rapid temperature control

Capable of achieving 10°C below and above ambient temperature, the LI-6800 provides fast and precise temperature control. It can control temperature at a setpoint, track the ambient temperature, or ramp the temperature up or down according to your experimental requirements.

High flow rates

User-adjustable flow rates—from 0 to 2.5 liters per minute—minimize response times and expand the system versatility.

Precise control allows for faster measurements

The precise control of CO2 allows for faster measurements, so you can perform rapid A-Ci response curves with the Rapid A-Ci Response (RACiR™) Method (Pat. Pend.).

Gas input port

A gas input port enables you to subject the leaf to custom gas blends.

Actual leaf temperature

A unique, durable fine-wire thermocouple maintains direct contact with the leaf—to get the actual leaf temperature with every measurement.

Leaf area

To fill the chamber area—and easily calculate leaf area—swap in one of several interchangeable inserts for different leaf area apertures on the Clear-top chamber and on the Multiphase Flash fluorometer.

Imagen de LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System


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