
Intelligent Passive Road Sensor IRS31Pro-UMB

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The passive road sensor IRS31Pro-UMB convinces by its two part housing design and accurate detection of road surface temperature, water film height, freezing temperature, ice percentage and many more…

The passive road sensor IRS31Pro-UMB is flush-mounted in the road. The two part housing design allows the combined sensor/electronics unit to be removed for maintenance or calibration at any time. The following variables are recorded: Road surface temperature, water film height up to 4 mm, freezing temperature for different de-icing materials (NaCl, MgCl, CaCl), road condition (dry/damp/wet/ice or snow, damp with salt, wet with salt), friction (Grip), ice percentage. Optional: 2 additional depth temperatures, e.g. at 5 cm and 30 cm. The measurement data is available for further processing in the form of a standard protocol (Lufft UMB protocol).
  • Road surface temperature, water film height up to 4mm, freezing temperature for different de-icing materials (NaCl, MgCl, CaCl), road condition (dry/damp/wet/ice or snow/moist with salt/wet with salt), friction, ice Percentage, 2 additional depth sensors
  • Conductivity measurement (ice percentage), radar measurement (water film), NTC (road surface temp.)
  • Two part housing design allows easy maintenance/re-calibration, low energy consumption allows solar operation, radar principle to measure water film
  • RS485, SDI-12, analogue outputs
  • 8910.U050, 8910.U051, 8910.U052, 8910.U100, 8910.U101, 8910.U102
Dimensions Ø 120mm, height 50mm
Detectable road conditions Dry/moist/wet/moist with salt/wet with salt/ice
Weight Approx. 800 g without cable and without external temperature probe
Storage temperature -40…70°C (in packaging)
Rated current <200mA
Interface RS485, Baudrate: 2400 … 38400 bit/s (Standard: 19200) or SDI-12
Protection type IP68
Power supply 9…14VDC, nominal 12V
Connector Cable 0.5mm²
Operating temperature -40…80°C
Operating rel. humidity 0…100% RH
Road dampness Unit: dry/damp/wet/damp with salt/wet with salt
Slippery road conditions Unit: no ice/snow, snow, ice
Road surface temperature & below ground temp.
Principle NTC
Measuring range -40 … 80 °C
Unit °C
Accuracy ±0.1°C (-20 … 20°C), else ±0.2°C
Resolution 0.1
Freezing point
Measuring range -40 … 0 °C
Unit °C
Accuracy ±0.5°C (0 … -2.5°C), else ±20% of average value (at de-icing agent NaCI)
Resolution 0.1
Water film height
Principle Radar
Measuring range 0 … 4 mm
Unit mm
Accuracy 0.2mm to 3mm: better than +/-30%
Resolution 0.01 mm
Friction (Grip) [slippery…dry]
Measuring range 0 … 1
Ice Percentage
Measuring range 0 … 100 %
Unit %
Imagen de Intelligent Passive Road Sensor IRS31Pro-UMB
Imagen de Intelligent Passive Road Sensor IRS31Pro-UMB
Imagen de Intelligent Passive Road Sensor IRS31Pro-UMB
Imagen de Intelligent Passive Road Sensor IRS31Pro-UMB
Imagen de Intelligent Passive Road Sensor IRS31Pro-UMB
Imagen de Intelligent Passive Road Sensor IRS31Pro-UMB


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