Iluminación en Túnel


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Imagen de: ILLIOS

Illuminance or incident lighting determines the amount of light that covers a specific surface or area within a tunnel. The ILLIOS measures the level of illuminance within the tunnel bore to help ensure interior illumination levels are continuously maintained in order to provide safe lighting condition for drivers.

The ILLIOS has a stainless steel, IP67 rated case that has been designed specifically for harsh tunnel environments. The ILLIOS measures the illuminance over a standard range of 0-20,000 Lux, which can be scaled to meet the user’s environment. The ILLIOS is a self-contained intelligent analyser, measurements are available via RS485 (Modbus RTU), Current Outputs and Digital Relays.


Measurement Performance

No. Parameter Units Min Max Comment
1 Detector Silicon photo diode, Vλ filtered
2 Measurement Range Ix 0 20,000 Can be scaled within this range
3 Resolution Ix 1 Display resolution
4 Accuracy % -1 +1
5 Damping Seconds 1 100 Default setting is 10s


No. Parameter Units Min Max Comment
6 DC Input Voltage Vdc 21.6 26.4 Nominal 24Vdc. ILLIOS-D only
7 DC Input Current A 1.5 Nominal 0.5A. ILLIOS-D only
8 AC Input Voltage Vac 85 264 Nominal 100-240Vac. ILLIOS-A only
9 AC Input Frequency Hz 47 63 Nominal 50-60Hz. ILLIOS-A only
10 AC Input Current A 0.7 ILLIOS-A only

Interface Options

No. Parameter Units Min Max Comment
11 Serial outputs Modbus RTU via RS485
External USB
12 Analogue Outputs (One) mA 0 / 2 / 4 20 Isolated and scalable (user selected)
13 Digital Relay Contacts (four) A 0 1 @240Vac (signal levels and data valid)


No. Parameter Units Min Max Comment
14 Ingress Protection IP67
15 Operating Temperature °C -30 +70 Max 50°C with mains powered option
16 Operating Humidity % 0 100
17 Regulatory Compliance 2014/30/EU (Electromagnetic Radiation)
2014/35/EU (Low Voltage)
18 Materials AISI/SAE 316L Stainless steel – Powder coated
19 Dimensions mm W150 x H190 x D80
20 Weight kg 1.8
21 Warranty Months 24 Return to base warranty. Extensions available
Imagen de ILLIOS
Imagen de ILLIOS


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