Analizadores de gases ambiente y traza


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Imagen de: DR1000 FLYING LAB

The Scentroid DR1000 Drone Based Air Quality Analyzer can be used to sample and analyze ambient air at heights of up to 125 meters above ground level. This was previously impossible to accomplish. Air quality mapping, model verification, and analysis of potentially dangerous sites have all now been made possible! While in flight, five built-in chemical sensors can provide remote monitoring of chemicals selected at the time of ordering.

It is often used to sample stacks, ponds, and other locations where human access is difficult and/or dangerous. Furthermore, operator exposure to dangerous chemicals during sampling must be carefully considered. This is because the Scentroid DR1000 Drone Based Air Quality Analyzer allows the operator to stay safely away from any potentially hazardous sources while acquiring the required air sample for laboratory analysis.


Maximum Sensors: 4 (Click here for full sensor list)
Type of Sensors: PID, NDIR, EC, Laser Particulate Counter, MOS

Ground Station:

Laptop: Specialized laptop with pre-installed Ubuntu and Windows 10 operating systems, high gain powerful WiFi antenna, and DRIMS 2.0 software


Sampling Rate: Adjustable from 1 per second, to 1 per minute
Sampling Time to Fill a Bag: 5 seconds per litre, time based on sampling bag size


Power Consumption: With a full battery, DR1000 can operate for 2.5 hours
Time in Flight: Dependent on drone battery life, DR1000 battery life


Communication: 3G / 4G (default), WiFi
On Board Data Storage: 64gb SD Card
Cloud Server: Included by default
Local Server: Optional
Software: Free access to DRIMS for life of product


Temperature Range: 0 to 60 °C, user will receive a warning at 55 °C


Automatic Calibration: Optional, using built-in calibration gas. User can initiate calibration with ground station


Warranty: 24 months full warranty on all parts including sensors
Sensor Replacement: Sensor dependent; first 2 years are covered by warranty


Casing: Custom lightweight material blend
Drone: Drone not included, but mounting hardware can be created for specified drone

Imagen de DR1000 FLYING LAB


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