DataTaker DT90 Series Data Loggers

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Meet the compact and low power dataTaker® DT90 Series of data loggers.

Designed for companies in need of universal and low power data logging solutions, this compact data logger is cost-effective, yet packs all the necessary features for logging your data.

The DT90 Series has been designed with an emphasis on low power, small size, and ease of deployment. This data logger is ideal for your remote monitoring environmental and industrial applications. There are two models available–the DT90L and DT90N. The DT90N is perfect for setting up small stations that require multiparameter sensors that only have a digital output. The DT90L is designed for multiparameter applications and can interface with both analog and digital sensors. Both options in this series share the same kernel board and core functionality.

Main features and benefits:

Ease of deployment—Simple connectivity via USB on-site makes it easy to configure and test the deployed monitoring module.
Universal—This universal logger can connect to any type of sensor. Analogue*: voltage, current, RTD; Digital: SDI-12, MODBUS, pulses
Rechargeable lithium ion battery—With up to 300 days of runtime on one charge and the ability to connect directly to solar power, this logger is the best solution for your remote monitoring applications.
Robust—With its solid aluminum case and fully waterproof probe (IP68 rated), this logger is suitable for harsh environments.
Cost-effective—This is a low maintenance product. Minimal attention is needed after setup.

Scheduling of data acquisition

Number of channels: 26 (each has independent schedule setting)

Schedule Rates: 1 second to 24 hours


Conditions: high or low threshold

Number of conditions: 3

Action: send SMS, increase/decrease sampling rate or transmission rate

Data storage

Internal non-volatile capacity: 16 MB (min 500,000 data points)

Integrated cellular modem

Network selection 3G or 4G

Power supply

External power: 5-25 Vdc

Solar panel: 9 V or 12 V

Physical and environment

Construction: Black anodized cast aluminum

Working temperature: -40 °C to +70 °C

Humidity: 0–100% RH (when the lid is closed)

Ingress of Protection: IP67

Included accessories

Resource USB (software + user manual)

USB communication cable

Imagen de DataTaker DT90 Series Data Loggers


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