Rayos y Tormentas Eléctricas

BTD-200 Lightning Warning System

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BTD-200 Lightning Warning System

The BTD-200 Lightning Warning System is a complete detection and warning system which has been developed from the Biral range of professional, aviation grade lightning detection systems.

It reliably detects the local presence of all forms of lightning out to a range of 35km (22 miles) from the sensor.

Designed to be installed and set up by non-specialist contractors, it comes complete with a power supply for the detector and the essential PC application – Lightning Works – for monitoring and warning of approaching thunderstorms.

  • Complete, out-of-the-box warning system with minimal installation. (Power and data cables available separately).
  • Fully automatic alarm triggering
  • Warns of the most dangerous (overhead) lightning risk even before the first lightning strike
  • Advanced, automatic self-test to ensure system operation
  • Accurate 35km (22miles) detection range
  • Detects cloud-to-ground, intra-cloud and cloud-to-cloud lightning
  • Detects charged precipitation and strong atmospheric electric fields
  • Compliance with EN50536:2011+/A1:2012 for a Class 1 detector
  • Performs in accordance with IEC62793 for a Class A detector


Lightning Detection Cloud-to-cloud, cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud lightning discharges
Thunderstorm activity for advanced warning of lightning Charged precipitation and strong electric field
Lightning detection range 35km (22 miles)
Range resolution 1km
Detection efficiency 95% for a single lightning flash
99% for a storm with 2 lightning flashes
99.9% for storm with 3 lightning flashes
For flashes within 35km
False alarm rate <2%
Maximum flash rate 120 per minute
Maximum update rate 2 seconds
User computer or Base Control Box Wired serial connection (RS422)
Wide Area Sounder Wired Serial connection (RS485)
Relays 3 Relays with volt free contacts. (Alert state, Warning state, Self-test). All relays 16Vac 35VDC 5A
Connection method Screw terminals
Supply voltage 9 to 30Vdc, 110/115 or 230/240Vac
Power consumption Less than 5W
Operating temperature -20°C to +50°C
Relative humidity 0 – 100%
Protection rating IP66
Wind speed 60m/s
Altitude -200m to 2,000m (-656ft to 6,561ft)
Shock and vibration Land based fixed installation
Weight 4.3kg (9.5lbs) Sensor only
EMC compliance with EN61326-1:2013 Industrial immunity, domestic emissions
RoHS and WEE compliant
Compliance with EN50536:2011+A1:2012 for a Class 1 detector
Performs in accordance with IEC 62793 for a Class A detector
Imagen de BTD-200 Lightning Warning System


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